Projecting Human Mobility and Disease Data to Support Decision-Making

Eco-epidemiology of Zoonotic Diseases Lab

Paul Allen School of Medicine | Washington State University

Presented by Dr. Florencia D’Andrea



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This talk is about research software development

Eco-epidemiology of Zoonotic Diseases Lab

Washington State University

System thinking approach to integrate the human and ecological components that determines the emergence and persistence of zoonotic diseases.


The human behavioral component is recognized as an influential factor in virus dispersion

  • Map how human mobility changes in space depending on the quarantine and how that correlated with COVID-19 cases.

  • 🇦🇷 Argentina ➡️ Strict quarantine


The human behavioral component is recognized as an influential factor in virus dispersion

Isolation established by the Argentine government

  • Phase 1: Strict isolation.
  • Phase 2: Managed isolation.
  • Phase 3: Isolation by geographic segmentation.
  • Phase 4: Isolation with progressive reopening.
  • Phase 5: Last phase search to re-establish new normality.

Objectives 🎯

Create tools to map citizen mobility and monitor how decision-making affects the distribution of COVID-19 cases in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  1. A software package to convert citizen mobility data to raster images.
  2. A dashboard to provide a quick overview, enabling the monitoring of decisions while considering the spatial dynamics of data.

What data can we use to analyze citizen mobility in the territory?

What data can we use to analyze citizen mobility in the territory?

Meta/Facebook Mobility Data is available to researchers through the Data4Good Partner Program

Facebook Mobility Data

How is the data obtained?

  • Mobile devices with a Meta app installed
    • Meta/Facebook users location ➡️ latitude and longitude at a given time.
  • Measures applied to the data to ensure privacy and anonymity.

Facebook Mobility Data

What data do researchers receive?

  1. Mapped using a Bing tile architecture ➡️ users are assigned to individual tiles.

  2. Data is provided in 8-hour time periods ( 0hs - 8hs / 8hs - 16hs / 16hs - 0hs ).

  3. Variable percent_change: relative change in mobility compared to a baseline period.

Facebook Mobility Data

From QuadKeys to raster images

The tiles can have different sizes, producing maps with varying level of detail.

QuadKeys represent a location on a map by encoding its hierarchical spatial position as a sequence of characters.

Facebook Mobility Data

From QuadKeys to raster images

1 - Software package

Facebook Mobility Data

1. From a QuadKey to a simple features dataframe

Facebook Mobility Data

2. Generating a Raster Image from Quadkey-Identified Data

Facebook Mobility Data

3. Converting Facebook Mobility QuadKey-identified Datasets into Raster Files

Why create a software package?

  • Makes it easier to reuse functions.
  • Improves code quality (i.g. tests, documentation).
  • Ensures computational reproducibility.

R package: quadkeyr

rOpenSci peer-review

Transparent, constructive, non adversarial and open review process

Raster images produced with quadkeyr allow to visualize Facebook Moility Data on a map

2 - Dashboard


Integrate city mobility information with daily reported COVID-19 cases

Tab 1: General exploration

Tab 2: Departments

Tab 2

You can download a report

Tab 3: Average percent change by department and COVID-19 cases

GeoCovidAR App integrates COVID-19 and Facebook Mobility Data

Where lives the project data?

Website: GeoCovid Buenos Aires



R package. - quadkeyr R package.

Dashboard. - R-Shiny app GeocovidApp.

Website. - Quarto Website.

Database. - PostgreSQL database.


The spatial distribution of cases and the human behavioral component are essential to understand the dynamics of transmission.

  • quadkeyr allows for converting Facebook mobility data into raster images.
  • GeoCovidAR enables the integration of ecological components with the complexity of human behavior.


quadkeyr and GeoCovidAR are flexible tools adaptable to different scenarios


Dr. Florencia D’Andrea

Designing software tools and visualizations to help solve research problems

Thank you!